
Cliris: Poems collected

2023-09-17 18:29 Books
New edition of the poems of Carolina Maria de Jesus, recovering the title and the prologue written by her, which brings several poems omitted or that appear modified in the selection made for the publication of the Personal Anthology, should highlight among them the poems "Negros" and "Os feijões"addressing the problem of racism in Brazil. Although some of the 54 poems gathered in this volume originally appeared in the Personal Anthology (1996), organized by José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy and published by Editora UFRJ, the texts collected here bring another 21 left by Carolina that do not constitute the 1996 book. Another novelty of this edition of Clíris is the publication of the 12 songs composed by Carolina for Quarto de Despejo - Carolina Maria de Jesus singing her compositions, popular music album released by RCA Victor in 1961. The latent critical content in many of the compositions now published in Clíris can help forge a new image of the writer as an emblematic black woman who made important forays into the literary field, building a true "poetics of waste". In this production echoes the challenging voice of a Carolina who does not shy away from attending (in a questioning way) uncomfortable themes for the patriarchal, sexist and racist society of the "predominators".