Potência das Periferias brings together research conducted in 2019 by UNIperiferias. They systematized strategies, methodologies and/or policies that highlight the inventive, intellectual and productive capacity of peripheral subjects and territories, helping us to recognize how education and formal training processes can be inspired and learn from these experiences. Four surveys were conducted in four different territories. In the Candomblé House Ilê Ase Ogun Ida Wure in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais; in the Coque community in Recife, Pernambuco; in Belém do Pará, and in the Curuzu neighborhood in Salvador, Bahia. Each research had a proponent researcher and four novice researchers who, over six months in an investigative and training path, developed methodologies and deepened their research themes. With this approach the UNIperiferias sought to advance in the apprehension of these territories and their subjects to learn from the powerful coping mechanisms to the challenges of our society, contained in these peripheral ways of life.